################################################################################# # # The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support # program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty # of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without # limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular # purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts # and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or # anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable # for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business # profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) # arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, # even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages. # ################################################################################# # Version # Checks for signs of exploit from CVE-2021-26855, 26858, 26857, and 27065. # # Examples # # Check the local Exchange server only and save the report: # .\Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 -OutPath $home\desktop\logs # # Check the local Exchange server, copy the files and folders to the outpath\\ path # .\Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 -OutPath $home\desktop\logs -CollectFiles # # Check all Exchange servers and save the reports: # Get-ExchangeServer | .\Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 -OutPath $home\desktop\logs # # Check all Exchange servers, but only display the results, don't save them: # Get-ExchangeServer | .\Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 -DisplayOnly # #Requires -Version 3 [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "AsScript")] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AsScript", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('Fqdn')] [string[]] $ComputerName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AsScript")] [string] $OutPath = "$PSScriptRoot\Test-ProxyLogonLogs", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AsScript")] [switch] $DisplayOnly, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AsScript")] [switch] $CollectFiles, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AsModule')] [switch] $Export, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AsScript")] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { #region Functions function Test-ExchangeProxyLogon { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks targeted exchange servers for signs of ProxyLogon vulnerability compromise. .DESCRIPTION Checks targeted exchange servers for signs of ProxyLogon vulnerability compromise. Will do so in parallel if more than one server is specified, so long as names aren't provided by pipeline. The vulnerabilities are described in CVE-2021-26855, 26858, 26857, and 27065 .PARAMETER ComputerName The list of server names to scan for signs of compromise. Do not provide these by pipeline if you want parallel processing. .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use for remote connections. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-ExchangeProxyLogon Scans the current computer for signs of ProxyLogon vulnerability compromise. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-ExchangeProxyLogon -ComputerName (Get-ExchangeServer).Fqdn Scans all exchange servers in the organization for ProxyLogon vulnerability compromises #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $ComputerName, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { #region Remoting Scriptblock $scriptBlock = { #region Functions function Get-ExchangeInstallPath { return (Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).MsiInstallPath } function Get-Cve26855 { [CmdletBinding()] param () $exchangePath = Get-ExchangeInstallPath if ($null -eq $exchangePath) { Write-Host " Exchange 2013 or later not found. Skipping CVE-2021-26855 test." return } $HttpProxyPath = Join-Path -Path $exchangePath -ChildPath "Logging\HttpProxy" $Activity = "Checking for CVE-2021-26855 in the HttpProxy logs" $outProps = @( "DateTime", "RequestId", "ClientIPAddress", "UrlHost", "UrlStem", "RoutingHint", "UserAgent", "AnchorMailbox", "HttpStatus" ) $files = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $HttpProxyPath -Filter '*.log').FullName $allResults = @{ Hits = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() FileList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } $progressId = [Math]::Abs(($env:COMPUTERNAME).GetHashCode()) Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Id $progressId $sw = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch $sw.Start() For ( $i = 0; $i -lt $files.Count; ++$i ) { if ($sw.ElapsedMilliseconds -gt 1000) { Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "$i / $($files.Count)" -PercentComplete ($i * 100 / $files.Count) -Id $progressId $sw.Restart() } if ( ( Test-Path $files[$i] ) -and ( Select-String -Path $files[$i] -Pattern "ServerInfo~" -Quiet ) ) { [Void]$allResults.FileList.Add( $files[$i] ) Import-Csv -Path $files[$i] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.AuthenticatedUser -eq '' -and $_.AnchorMailbox -Like 'ServerInfo~*/*' } | Select-Object -Property $outProps | ForEach-Object { [Void]$allResults.Hits.Add( $_ ) } } } Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Id $progressId -Completed return $allResults } function Get-Cve26857 { [CmdletBinding()] param () try { Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = 'Application' ProviderName = 'MSExchange Unified Messaging' Level = '2' } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object Message -Like "*System.InvalidCastException*" } catch { Write-Host " MSExchange Unified Messaging provider is not present or events not found in the Application Event log" } } function Get-Cve26858 { [CmdletBinding()] param () $exchangePath = Get-ExchangeInstallPath if ($null -eq $exchangePath) { Write-Host " Exchange 2013 or later not found. Skipping CVE-2021-26858 test." return } Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\OABGeneratorLog" | Select-String "Download failed and temporary file" -List | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path } function Get-Cve27065 { [CmdletBinding()] param () $exchangePath = Get-ExchangeInstallPath if ($null -eq $exchangePath) { Write-Host " Exchange 2013 or later not found. Skipping CVE-2021-27065 test." return } Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\ECP\Server\*.log" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-String "Set-.+VirtualDirectory" -List | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path } function Get-SuspiciousFile { [CmdletBinding()] param () $zipFilter = ".7z", ".zip", ".rar" $dmpFilter = "lsass.*dmp" $dmpPaths = "c:\root", "$env:WINDIR\temp" Get-ChildItem -Path $dmpPaths -Filter $dmpFilter -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME Type = 'LsassDump' Path = $_.FullName Name = $_.Name LastWrite = $_.LastWriteTimeUtc } } Get-ChildItem -Path $env:ProgramData -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { If ( $_.Extension -in $zipFilter ) { [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME Type = 'SuspiciousArchive' Path = $_.FullName Name = $_.Name LastWrite = $_.LastWriteTimeUtc } } } } function Get-AgeInDays { param ( $dateString ) if ( $dateString -and $dateString -as [DateTime] ) { $CURTIME = Get-Date $age = $CURTIME.Subtract($dateString) return $age.TotalDays.ToString("N1") } return "" } function Get-LogAge { [CmdletBinding()] param () $exchangePath = Get-ExchangeInstallPath if ($null -eq $exchangePath) { Write-Host " Exchange 2013 or later not found. Skipping log age checks." return $null } [PSCustomObject]@{ Oabgen = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\OABGeneratorLog" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) Ecp = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\ECP\Server\*.log" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) AutodProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\Autodiscover" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) EasProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\Eas" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) EcpProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\Ecp" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) EwsProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\Ews" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) MapiProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\Mapi" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) OabProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\Oab" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) OwaProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\Owa" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) OwaCalendarProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\OwaCalendar" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) PowershellProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) RpcHttpProxy = (Get-AgeInDays (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$exchangePath\Logging\HttpProxy\RpcHttp" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1).CreationTime) } } #endregion Functions [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME Cve26855 = @(Get-Cve26855) Cve26857 = @(Get-Cve26857) Cve26858 = @(Get-Cve26858) Cve27065 = @(Get-Cve27065) Suspicious = @(Get-SuspiciousFile) LogAgeDays = Get-LogAge } } #endregion Remoting Scriptblock $parameters = @{ ScriptBlock = $scriptBlock } if ($Credential) { $parameters['Credential'] = $Credential } } process { if ($null -ne $ComputerName) { Invoke-Command @parameters -ComputerName $ComputerName } else { Invoke-Command @parameters } } } function Write-ProxyLogonReport { <# .SYNOPSIS Processes output of Test-ExchangeProxyLogon for reporting on the console screen. .DESCRIPTION Processes output of Test-ExchangeProxyLogon for reporting on the console screen. .PARAMETER InputObject The reports provided by Test-ExchangeProxyLogon .PARAMETER OutPath Path to a FOLDER in which to generate output logfiles. This command will only write to the console screen if no path is provided. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-ExchangeProxyLogon -ComputerName (Get-ExchangeServer).Fqdn | Write-ProxyLogonReport -OutPath C:\logs Gather data from all exchange servers in the organization and write a report to C:\logs #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InputObject, [string] $OutPath = "$PSScriptRoot\Test-ProxyLogonLogs", [switch] $DisplayOnly, [switch] $CollectFiles ) begin { if ($OutPath -and -not $DisplayOnly) { New-Item $OutPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } } process { $vulnerable=0 foreach ($report in $InputObject) { $isLocalMachine = $report.ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME if ($CollectFiles) { $LogFileOutPath = $OutPath + "\CollectedLogFiles\" + $report.ComputerName if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogFileOutPath)) { New-Item $LogFileOutPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } } Write-Host "ProxyLogon Status: Exchange Server $($report.ComputerName)" if ($null -ne $report.LogAgeDays) { Write-Host (" Log age days: Oabgen {0} Ecp {1} Autod {2} Eas {3} EcpProxy {4} Ews {5} Mapi {6} Oab {7} Owa {8} OwaCal {9} Powershell {10} RpcHttp {11}" -f ` $report.LogAgeDays.Oabgen, ` $report.LogAgeDays.Ecp, ` $report.LogAgeDays.AutodProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.EasProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.EcpProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.EwsProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.MapiProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.OabProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.OwaProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.OwaCalendarProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.PowershellProxy, ` $report.LogAgeDays.RpcHttpProxy) if (-not $DisplayOnly) { $newFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath "$($report.ComputerName)-LogAgeDays.csv" $report.LogAgeDays | Export-Csv -Path $newFile Write-Host " Report exported to: $newFile" } } if (-not ($report.Cve26855.Hits.Count -or $report.Cve26857.Count -or $report.Cve26858.Count -or $report.Cve27065.Count -or $report.Suspicious.Count)) { Write-Host " Nothing suspicious detected" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" continue } else { $vulnerable=1 } if ($report.Cve26855.Hits.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host " [CVE-2021-26855] Suspicious activity found in Http Proxy log!" -ForegroundColor Red if (-not $DisplayOnly) { $newFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath "$($report.ComputerName)-Cve-2021-26855.csv" $report.Cve26855.Hits | Export-Csv -Path $newFile Write-Host " Report exported to: $newFile" } else { $report.Cve26855.Hits | Format-Table DateTime, AnchorMailbox -AutoSize | Out-Host } if ($CollectFiles -and $isLocalMachine) { Write-Host " Copying Files:" if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26855")) { Write-Host " Creating CVE26855 Collection Directory" New-Item "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26855" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } foreach ($entry in $report.Cve26855.FileList) { if (Test-Path -Path $entry) { Write-Host " Copying $($entry) to $($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26855" -ForegroundColor Green Copy-Item -Path $entry -Destination "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26855" } else { Write-Host " Warning: Unable to copy file $($entry). File does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red } } } Write-Host "" } if ($report.Cve26857.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host " [CVE-2021-26857] Suspicious activity found in Eventlog!" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host " $(@($report.Cve26857).Count) events found" if (-not $DisplayOnly) { $newFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath "$($report.ComputerName)-Cve-2021-26857.csv" $report.Cve26857 | Select-Object TimeCreated, MachineName, Message | Export-Csv -Path $newFile Write-Host " Report exported to: $newFile" } if ($CollectFiles -and $isLocalMachine) { Write-Host "`n`r Copying Application Event Log" if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26857")) { Write-Host " Creating CVE26857 Collection Directory" New-Item "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26857" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } Start-Process wevtutil -ArgumentList "epl Software $($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26857\Application.evtx" } Write-Host "" } if ($report.Cve26858.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host " [CVE-2021-26858] Suspicious activity found in OAB generator logs!" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host " Please review the following files for 'Download failed and temporary file' entries:" foreach ($entry in $report.Cve26858) { Write-Host " $entry" if ($CollectFiles -and $isLocalMachine) { Write-Host " Copying Files:" if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26858")) { Write-Host " Creating CVE26858 Collection Directory`n`r" New-Item "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26858" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (Test-Path -Path $entry) { Write-Host " Copying $($entry) to $($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26858" -ForegroundColor Green Copy-Item -Path $entry -Destination "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE26858" } else { Write-Host " Warning: Unable to copy file $($entry.Path). File does not exist.`n`r " -ForegroundColor Red } } } if (-not $DisplayOnly) { $newFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath "$($report.ComputerName)-Cve-2021-26858.log" $report.Cve26858 | Set-Content -Path $newFile Write-Host " Report exported to: $newFile" } Write-Host "" } if ($report.Cve27065.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host " [CVE-2021-27065] Suspicious activity found in ECP logs!" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host " Please review the following files for 'Set-*VirtualDirectory' entries:" foreach ($entry in $report.Cve27065) { Write-Host " $entry" if ($CollectFiles -and $isLocalMachine) { Write-Host " Copying Files:" if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE27065")) { Write-Host " Creating CVE27065 Collection Directory" New-Item "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE27065" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } if (Test-Path -Path $entry) { Write-Host " Copying $($entry) to $($LogFileOutPath)\CVE27065" -ForegroundColor Green Copy-Item -Path $entry -Destination "$($LogFileOutPath)\CVE27065" } else { Write-Host " Warning: Unable to copy file $($entry.Path). File does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red } } } if (-not $DisplayOnly) { $newFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath "$($report.ComputerName)-Cve-2021-27065.log" $report.Cve27065 | Set-Content -Path $newFile Write-Host " Report exported to: $newFile" } Write-Host "" } if ($report.Suspicious.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host " Other suspicious files found: $(@($report.Suspicious).Count)" if (-not $DisplayOnly) { $newFile = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath "$($report.ComputerName)-other.csv" $report.Suspicious | Export-Csv -Path $newFile Write-Host " Report exported to: $newFile" } else { foreach ($entry in $report.Suspicious) { Write-Host " $($entry.Type) : $($entry.Path)" } } if ($CollectFiles -and $isLocalMachine) { Write-Host " Copying Files:" if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($LogFileOutPath)\SuspiciousFiles")) { Write-Host " Creating SuspiciousFiles Collection Directory" New-Item "$($LogFileOutPath)\SuspiciousFiles" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } foreach ($entry in $report.Suspicious) { if (Test-Path -Path $entry.path) { Write-Host " Copying $($entry.Path) to $($LogFileOutPath)\SuspiciousFiles" -ForegroundColor Green Copy-Item -Path $entry.Path -Destination "$($LogFileOutPath)\SuspiciousFiles" } else { Write-Host " Warning: Unable to copy file $($entry.Path). File does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red } } } } } @" __METRICS__={{ "vulnerable": {0:d} }} "@ -f $vulnerable } } #endregion Functions $paramTest = @{ } if ($Credential) { $paramTest['Credential'] = $Credential } $paramWrite = @{ OutPath = $OutPath } if ($CollectFiles) { $paramWrite['CollectFiles'] = $true } if ($DisplayOnly) { $paramWrite = @{ DisplayOnly = $true } } $computerTargets = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } process { if ($Export) { Set-Item function:global:Test-ExchangeProxyLogon (Get-Command Test-ExchangeProxyLogon) Set-Item function:global:Write-ProxyLogonReport (Get-Command Write-ProxyLogonReport) return } # Gather up computer targets as they are piped into the command. # Passing them to Test-ExchangeProxyLogon in one batch ensures parallel processing foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) { $null = $computerTargets.Add($computer) } } end { if ($Export) { return } if ($computerTargets.Length -lt 1) { Test-ExchangeProxyLogon @paramTest | Write-ProxyLogonReport @paramWrite } else { Test-ExchangeProxyLogon -ComputerName $computerTargets.ToArray() @paramTest | Write-ProxyLogonReport @paramWrite } }