Enginsight and ALSO: Partnership with a focus on EU expansion

Enginsight, the innovative all-in-one security platform from Germany, is entering into a strategic partnership with technology provider ALSO to expand its European market presence. Through ALSO’s partner network, even more small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will receive support in coping with growing cybersecurity requirements in the future.

Enginsight has already established itself well in DACH with its Unified Security Management Platform and is growing steadily. Expansion beyond the DACH region is one of the logical next steps that the software manufacturer is strategically taking with the ALSO partnership. The new partnership gives Enginsight access to an even broader network of distributors that will distribute the platform to a wide range of companies across Europe.

“The collaboration with ALSO is a decisive step towards making our innovative technologies accessible to an even wider market,” says Mario Jandeck, Managing Director of Enginsight. “In particular, our expansion plans into EU countries will be significantly supported by this cooperation. ALSO is the ideal partner for us to drive our international growth and provide companies across Europe with a highly effective but manageable cybersecurity solution that combines various functionalities in a single solution.”

ALSO underlines the importance of the partnership and sees the integration of Enginsight as an important building block for the expansion of its own security portfolio. “Enginsight’s platform is a milestone in the IT security industry and offers our partners real added value,” says Marc Hövelmann, Regional Lead CoC Cybersecurity D-A-CH. “With its unique combination of cyber threat detection, automated security checks, penetration testing, and SIEM capabilities, Enginsight is uniquely positioned to meet the growing security needs of our partners.”

To kick off the cooperation, Enginsight will be presenting itself for the first time at the ALSO Solution Day on April 1, 2025 in Lucerne. Further joint events are planned for the year to provide Enginsight partners with a hands-on introduction to the platform and strengthen international sales opportunities.

About ALSO
ALSO is one of the leading technology providers for the ICT industry and currently operates in 30 countries in Europe and in a total of 144 countries worldwide. The Swiss-based company, which employs around 4,000 people, had net sales of €11.1 billion in 2023. The ALSO ecosystem offers around 135,000 resellers hardware, software and IT services from more than 800 vendors in over 1,540 product categories. In the spirit of the circular economy, the company offers all services from provision to reprocessing from a single source.
ALSO offers three business models: The Supply division comprises the transactional range of hardware and software. The Solutions division supports customers in the development of tailor-made IT solutions and turnkey IoT applications. Subscription-based cloud offerings for software and hardware as well as platforms for cybersecurity, IoT, virtualization and AI are the focus of the Service division.
For more information, visit: www.also.com

Über Enginsight

Enginsight bietet die perfekte Cybersecurity-Lösung für den Mittelstand. 2017 in Jena gegründet, ist die komplett inhouse entwickelte Software inzwischen bei zahlreichen KMU im Einsatz und erfreut sich insbesondere bei IT-Dienstleistern großer Beliebtheit. Diese nutzen Enginsight, um den Reifegrad der IT-Sicherheit ihrer Kunden zu ermitteln und proaktiv tätig zu werden sowie Angriffe zu detektieren und zu blocken. Nach dem Ansatz „Unsichtbares sichtbar“ und „Unsicheres sicher machen“ stehen für Enginsight hierbei Transparenz und Automatisierung in puncto IT-Security im Vordergrund. Der „Human Factor in IT-Security“, der bei vielen Cyberangriffen im Vordergrund steht, soll dabei eliminiert werden. Mit Security 100 % Made in Germany verfolgt Enginsight die Vision, mit seiner technologisch führenden Lösung den Mittelstand wirksam und nachhaltig sicher zu machen.

Press contact:

Patricia Brumme
Head of Marketing PR

*For the sake of legibility, we do not use gender-appropriate spelling; However, we explicitly point out at this point that “customer”, “partner”, etc. includes all gender identities.

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