Security Services

With the best Enginsight partners

Here you are guaranteed to find the right security experts to ensure the security of your IT landscapes. From Managed Security Services to Incidence Response or Security Consulting – our partners are ready to assist you with all your requirements.

Enginsight partner overview from bronze status

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Bell Computer Netzwerke GmbHGold Partner53175BonnDeutschland
[s.i.g.] mbH - IT mit IQ system informations GmbHSilber Partner89231Neu-UlmDeutschland
ACM Consultants GmbHPLATIN Partner48231WarendorfDeutschland
ASOFTNET GmbH & Co. KGPLATIN Partner99097ErfurtDeutschland
TECHNO-EINKAUF GmbHPLATIN Partner22419HamburgDeutschland
aconitas GmbHBronze Partner86690MertingenDeutschland
ACP Holding Deutschland GmbH Gold Partner81829 MünchenDeutschland
actago GmbHBronze Partner94405 Landau a. d. IsarDeutschland
ADICOM Systems GmbHBronze Partner58706, 32084Menden (Sauerland), St. AugustineDeutschland
ALBAKOM GmbHSilber Partner18069RostockDeutschland
Alphasolid IT GmbHBronze Partner49733 Haren (Ems)Deutschland
ASOFTNETPLATIN Partner99085ErfurtDeutschland
AST GmbHBronze Partner71083 HerrenbergDeutschland
B.I.N.S.S. Datennetze und Gefahrenmeldesysteme GmbH Bronze Partner13088BerlinDeutschland
Batix Software GmbHSilber Partner07318Saalfeld/SaaleDeutschland
Bechtle GmbH & Co. KG IT−Systemhaus Dresden Bronze Partner01159DresdenDeutschland
BellCo Computer IT-SystemhausBronze Partner27356Rotenburg (Wümme)Deutschland
bitbone AGSilber Partner97070WürzburgDeutschland
bluenetdata® GmbHGold Partner53359RheinbachDeutschland
BRANDMAUER IT GmbHBronze Partner76756BellheimDeutschland
BREKOM GmbHSilber Partner28217 BremenDeutschland
Brigg IT GmbHBronze Partner01307DresdenDeutschland
C. Rudolf Salfer GmbHBronze Partner84453Mühldorf am InnDeutschland
CAB IT-Systemhaus GmbHBronze Partner79106FreiburgDeutschland
CAIRO AGGold Partner68199MannheimDeutschland
Cenesco GmbHBronze Partner44536LünenDeutschland
Cobotec GmbHSilber Partner33602BielefeldDeutschland
CODA Bronze Partner99085ErfurtDeutschland
Collas Bürowelt GmbHBronze Partner84051EssenbachDeutschland
Compatible Computer Solutions Inh. Hartmut Schedel e.K.Bronze Partner90763FürthDeutschland
CompData Computer GmbHBronze Partner72459AlbstadtDeutschland
Concat AGGold Partner64625BensheimDeutschland
Connecting Media GmbHSilber Partner76275EttlingenDeutschland
Connectware Distributions GmbHBronze Partner64367MühltalDeutschland
CTH Dresden GmbHSilber Partner01139 DresdenDeutschland
CTK Gesellschaft für Computertechnologie mbHSilber Partner91171GredingDeutschland
Dacor Informatik AGSilber Partner6002LuzernSchweiz
DATA-COMP GmbHBronze Partner26871 PapenburgDeutschland
Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbHBronze Partner01129, 07743Dresden, JenaDeutschland
Die Netz-Werker AGGold Partner12435BerlinDeutschland
DigiQonBronze Partner82223EichenauDeutschland
DIGITALE DENKART Managed Services GmbHBronze Partner61348Bad Homburg v. d. HöheDeutschland
Disseler IT-Service GmbH
Silber Partner48703StadtlohnDeutschland
DobaTech GmbHGold Partner56235Ransbach-BaumbachDeutschland
DSS-connect GmbHPLATIN Partner74177Bad FriedrichshallDeutschland
EAS EDV Anwender Service GmbHGold Partner78166DonaueschingenDeutschland
EDNT IT-Services GmbHBronze Partner64625BensheimDeutschland
edvXpert GmbHGold Partner50829KölnDeutschland
Fischer Systempartner GmbHGold Partner85356FreisingDeutschland
Futuredat GmbHGold Partner07548GeraDeutschland
GBS Systems Inh. Gowtheman SivarajahBronze Partner68723PlankstadtDeutschland
Gera-Web Gesellschaft
für Online-Marketing GmbH
Bronze Partner07552 GeraDeutschland
Hahn GmbHSilber Partner90571Schwaig bei NürnbergDeutschland
help4you GmbHBronze Partner71732TammDeutschland
hoch.rein GmbHGold Partner97509KolitzheimDeutschland
hsc solutions e.K.Gold Partner09337Hohenstein-ErnstthalDeutschland
HSE Computersysteme H.Schulte GmbHSilber Partner32457Porta WestfalicaDeutschland
Infranaut IT-Services GmbHSilber Partner64295 DarmstadtDeutschland
InterConnect GmbH & Co. KGBronze Partner76131KarlsruheDeutschland
IT-S2-PG GmbHBronze Partner74635KupferzellDeutschland
KIT-Technologies GmbHBronze Partner61440Oberursel (Taunus)Deutschland
Klopfer Datennetzwerk GmbHGold Partner04229LeipzigDeutschland
Krämer IT Solutions GmbHGold Partner66571EppelbornDeutschland
Luithle + Luithle GmbHGold Partner74376GemmrigheimDeutschland
Make IT fix GmbHBronze Partner10719BerlinDeutschland
Mandala Internet, EDV-Service GmbHGold Partner38114BraunschweigDeutschland
mars solutions GmbHSilber Partner73037GöppingenDeutschland
Mate iT GmbHBronze Partner78048Villingen-SchwenningenDeutschland
Micro Computer Systeme Teut GmbHBronze Partner10707BerlinDeutschland
microPLAN SK.NET GmbHBronze Partner40468 DüsseldorfDeutschland
MR Datentechnik Vertriebs- und Service GmbHSilber Partner90411NürnbergDeutschland
NETILITY GmbH & Co. KG ( TaroxP)Bronze Partner70565StuttgartDeutschland
Anqa IT-Security GmbHGold Partner51149KölnDeutschland
NetWork Team GmbHBronze Partner49124GeorgsmarienhütteDeutschland
optimIT GmbHBronze Partner66125SaarbrückenDeutschland
P&W Netzwerk GmbH & Co KGBronze Partner45721Haltern am SeeDeutschland
Pätzold DatentechnikBronze Partner39340HaldenslebenDeutschland
PBIT Systeme GmbH & Co. KGGold Partner03046 CottbusDeutschland
PCDsystems GmbH & Co. KGBronze Partner50825 KölnDeutschland
PCK IT Solutions GmbHSilber Partner87437Kempten (Allgäu)Deutschland
performio GmbHPLATIN Partner68782BrühlDeutschland
Professional Communication INS GmbHBronze Partner52499BaesweilerDeutschland
Prometheus Informatik AGBronze Partner6003LuzernSchweiz
Pusch Innovation GmbHPLATIN Partner76571GaggenauDeutschland
Rhöncloud GmbH ( ehemals edu-technik solutions GmbH )Silber Partner36142Tann (Rhön)Deutschland
Rob 56 Consulting GmbHBronze Partner64291DarmstadtDeutschland
RZV Rechenzentrum VolmarsteinGold Partner58300Wetter (Ruhr)Deutschland
scale2gether GmbH Bronze Partner82327 TutzingDeutschland
SchuhTronic IT GmbHGold Partner74251LehrensteinsfeldDeutschland
schwarz it - systemarchitekturBronze Partner9444DiepoldsauSchweiz
SCV GmbHGold Partner64720 MichelstadtDeutschland
Sittig Technologies GmbHBronze Partner65931Frankfurt am MainDeutschland
SNAP IT GmbHSilber Partner04315LeipzigDeutschland
SnD-IT Solutions UGBronze Partner76275EttlingenDeutschland
solbytech GmbHGold Partner5584ZederhausÖsterreich
Süddeutsche DatenschutzgesellschaftPLATIN Partner93049RegensburgDeutschland
Synexus GmbHGold Partner04103LeipzigDeutschland
SYSBACK Solutions GmbHGold Partner22083HamburgDeutschland
Gerald Mens GmbH
Bronze Partner90491NürnbergDeutschland
Systempartner Computervertriebs GmbHBronze Partner18435 StralsundDeutschland
Systempartner Hagen Computervertriebsgesellschaft mbHBronze Partner58093HagenDeutschland
TakeData-Systems GmbHBronze Partner94315StraubingDeutschland
Telekom Deutschland GmbHGold Partner53227BonnDeutschland
Bronze Partner 36088 HünfeldDeutschland
Uta Opitz Computertechnik-Vertrieb Inh. Uta Müller e.K.Bronze Partner34414WarburgDeutschland
WWS-InterCom GmbHBronze Partner37073GöttingenDeutschland
worxeasy Gmbh & Co.KGBronze Partner94572 SchöfwegDeutschland
Zeitschel IT-DienstleistungenSilber Partner91074HerzogenaurachDeutschland
Communication Systems GmbHGold Partner63263 Neu-IsenburgDeutschland
BayCIX GmbHSilber Partner84030 LandshutDeutschland
Cheops Informatik AGBronze Partner4054BaselSchweiz
IT-Service MEDATA GmbH Bronze Partner49324MelleDeutschland
KAEMI GmbHBronze Partner10969BerlinDeutschland
IT Booster GmbH Bronze Partner67346SpeyerDeutschland
Waldmann Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KGBronze Partner78056Villingen-SchwenningenDeutschland
neam IT-Services GmbHGold Partner33100PaderbornDeutschland
NIC Systemhaus GmbHBronze Partner733033GöppingenDeutschland
netgo Group GmbHSilber Partner10829BerlinDeutschland
Gerard Bürokommunikations GmbH Bronze Partner68163 MannheimDeutschland
Friedrich Karl Schroeder GmbH & Co. KGSilber Partner22309HamburgDeutschland
rootIT SECURITY GmbHPlatin Partner51674WiehlDeutschland
IT-HAUS GmbHSilber Partner54343FöhrenDeutschland
pco GmbH & Co. KGpcoBronze Partner49090OsnabrückDeutschland
BASYS Brinova GmbHGold Partner28357, 26135Bremen, OldenburgDeutschland
kelobit IT-Experts GmbHBronze Partner06112HalleDeutschland
Bechtle direct GmbH NeckarsulmGold Partner74172NeckasulmDeutschland
Computer Manufaktur GmbHGold Partner10587BerlinDeutschland
Anqa IT-Security GmbH Gold Partner51149KölnDeutschland
AERAsec Network Services and Security GmbH

Bronze Partner85662HohenbrunnDeutschland
EDV Systeme Gerhard Theuer Bronze Partner95365RugendorfDeutschland
Bechtle GmbH IT-Systemhaus HannoverGold Partner30179HannoverDeutschland
Bechtle GmbH & Co.KG IT-Systemhaus Bonn/Köln Gold Partner53177BonnDeutschland
Deeken.Technology GmbHSilber Partner49661CloppenburgDeutschland
pace-IT GmbH Gold Partner47807KölnDeutschland
Bechtle IT-Systemhaus Krefeld Gold Partner47829KrefeldDeutschland
NetPlans Neckarsulm GmbHBronze Partner74076SimmernDeutschland
BS software development GmbH & Co. KGBronze Partner89077Neu-UlmDeutschland
connexta Group Services GmbHGold Partner81829MünchenDeutschland
netlogix GmbH & Co. KGBronze Partner90411NürnbergDeutschland
IF-Tech AGBronze Partner81829MünchenDeutschland
ProComp Professional Computer GmbH Bronze Partner95615MarktredwitzDeutschland
VINDEXA GmbHGold Partner5023SalzburgÖsterreich
mosaic IT GmbH Bronze Partner32427MindenDeutschland
Esko Systems GmbHBronze Partner89359KötzDeutschland
Systemhaus Sauerland GmbH & Co. KGBronze Partner57392SchmallenbergDeutschland
EDV-Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH Bronze Partner22525HamburgDeutschland
Bechtle Solingen Platin Partner42653SolingenDeutschland
Südwest IT GmbH Systemhaus StuttgartBronze
Alexiares GmbHBronze Partner1100WienÖsterreich

Are you looking for a suitable Enginsight partner in your area and can’t find one here?
Write to us or call us (Tel. 03641 2718739), we will establish the appropriate contact from our network of experts.

Enginsight Platin Partner

Enginsight platin partner

ACM Consultants GmbH

ACM Consultants are your perfect partner for the implementation of an Information Security Management System or ISO 27001 certification. Together with Enginsight, a wide range of processes and controls can be automated here, resulting in a fast and efficient certification process.

Am Holzbach 10, 48231 Warendorf


ASOFTNET GmbH & Co. KG is a young IT system house for medium-sized companies, public authorities and critical infrastructure companies.
With the Security Operation Center (SOC), significantly supported by Enginsight, attacks on customer infrastructures can be quickly detected and appropriate countermeasures initiated.
Everything from consulting on IT security and forensic evaluation of the systems to comprehensive IT service is offered.

Haarbergstraße 63, 99097 Erfurt

DSS-connect GmbH

DSS-connect GmbH is the youngest sister of CSS Franz Schneider GmbH – a successful IT system house with over 30 years of market presence. As a service company fully focused on data protection and IT security, DSS can actively support you with Enginsight on these topics. Personal support with direct contacts included.

Salinenstraße 23/1 in 74177 Bad Friedrichshall


Enginsight Gold Partner (excerpt)

Concat AG

Concat AG is an established IT system house operating throughout Germany. Here you will find modern and customized IT solutions. Together with Enginsight, Concat AG offers you a complete managed service in the area of IT security. Rely on years of experience with over 300 employees at 14 different locations.

Berliner Ring 127–129 in 64625 Bensheim


Futuredat as our house and yard service provider directly in front of the front door from Gera, offers you a comprehensive IT service in all areas. Whether you come from the private sector or the public sector. Futuredat has many years of experience and corresponding references in all areas.

Otto-Dix-Str. 9 in 07548 Gera


HOCH-REIN GmbH brings innovative companies to success. They are able to do this by bringing in financial investors and strategic partners like Enginsight. Here you will find a contact person with the best knowledge in the areas of future & innovation, technology & energy and networking & synergies.

Steigweg 24 in 97318 Kitzingen

Logo Luithle + Luithle GmbH
Luithle + Luithle GmbH

As a full-service IT provider, Luithle + Luithle convinces with goal-oriented consulting and the appropriate solutions, such as the managed security offer or hosting. By working together as partners and focusing on the technical expertise of our own employees, we address individual customer needs and provide customers with holistic support.

Zachersweg 14 | 74376 Gemmrigheim

performio GmbH

performio GmbH from Brühl (Baden-Württemberg) sees itself as a 360° digitization service provider for medium-sized businesses, i.e. for companies with around 15 to 500 workplaces. As a system house, performio offers hardware, software and digital processes.

An den Werften 11 in 68782 Brühl

Süddeutsche Datenschutzgesellschaft

Süddeutsche Datenschutzgesellschaft is a team of IT-experienced lawyers and certified data protection officers based in Regensburg. Since 2014, the company has combined legal and technical expertise to help companies comply effortlessly with data protection laws.

Von-Brettreich-Straße 4 in 93049 Regensburg

Strong together

Enginsight technology partner


G Data CyberDefense AG is a leading global provider of IT security solutions from Germany. Headquartered in Bochum, Germany, G Data is among the leading manufacturers of security solutions in Germany and offers advanced technologies to defend against cybercrime.

Königsallee 178, 44799 Bochum


Rhebo offers simple and effective cybersecurity and attack detection “Made in Germany” for Operational Technology (OT), Industrial IoT (IIoT) and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for the energy sector, critical infrastructure and manufacturing companies.

Spinnereistr. 7, 04179 Leipzig


INLYSE offers an advanced IT security platform that, thanks to artificial intelligence, is able to detect over 99.9% of unknown viruses within seconds. It is the first solution to use self-learning neural networks and intelligent image recognition mechanisms to detect zero-day attacks, novel malware and ATP attacks without regular updates.

Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18, 76131 Karlsruhe


HYPERSECURE IT from Germany: DriveLock is the leading specialist for preventive IT security solutions Made in Germany.

The HYPERSECURE Platform brings together highly specialized defenses that are among the best in their respective disciplines to meet even the most demanding security requirements of digital workplaces.

Landsberger Str. 396, 81241 Munich

Purchase via ITC distribution

Distributions and network partners


ADN – Advanced Digital Network Distribution GmbH distributes consulting-intensive products and multi-vendor end-to-end solutions from the areas of Cloud & Virtualization, Networking & Security, Storage Solutions and Unified Communications to IT resellers.

Josef-Haumann-Str. 10, 44866 Bochum
101, CH-8152 Opfikon
Wienerbergstraße 11/B15, A-1100 Vienna

Tarox Logo

TAROX is a leading IT provider of holistic solutions and comprehensive product families in German-speaking countries. The company is both a manufacturer and service provider for hardware and software solutions. TAROX supplies its partners in the system house and specialist retail sectors nationwide.

Stellenbachstraße 49-51, 44536 Lünen

comTeam Systemhaus GmbH
comTeam Systemhaus GmbH

comTeam is a technology network for around 800 independent IT companies, such as hardware, software and consulting specialists. comTeam develops IT and telecommunications solutions for business customers and accompanies them through the entire process of creation and implementation.

Mündelheimer Weg 40, 40472 Düsseldorf

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