Basel/Jena – The Jena-based security manufacturer Enginsight is expanding its partner network in Switzerland and welcomes Cheops Informatik AG as its first partner in Basel. Cheops is thus strengthening its development into a managed security services provider.
Perfect market conditions for Enginsight in Switzerland
The Swiss market is predestined for Enginsight, as the framework conditions are comparable to those in Germany in many respects, especially with regard to the need for strong IT security solutions in the fight against sophisticated, automated cyberattacks. Like Germany, Switzerland attaches great importance to data protection and compliance and is subject to strict regulations. Reliable solutions are correspondingly in demand. “We see potential not only in the growing Swiss financial sector,” says Michael Reiss. The Territory Manager Southwest, who also looks after the Swiss Enginsight partners, estimates the overall market potential to be very high: “As a German manufacturer with an easy-to-use and cost-effective security solution that scales from SMEs to large companies to the public sector, Enginsight is a good fit for almost all Swiss companies. We therefore have high hopes for the cooperation with Cheops Informatik AG and will support them in the best possible way.”
Strategic partnership strengthens Cheops’ new orientation to the MSSP
Cheops Informatik AG has been serving customers in all industries for over three decades. Thanks to its trilingualism, the service provider has firmly established itself in French-speaking Switzerland. Previously active in a strongly project-oriented manner, Cheops wants to develop into a managed security services provider. From Luc Ibert’s experience, “the customers are now ready for it”.
With the new strategic direction, the company will take its security solutions to a new level. Luc Igert, Managing Director and CTO of Cheops Informatik AG, comments: “In the fight between David and Goliath, we discovered our slingshot, and it’s called Enginsight. With the manufacturer, we have found a partner on an equal footing who accompanies us very closely on our MSSP journey and brings valuable experience to the table. We are grateful to Alexander Villiger from ADN Switzerland for the networking. Thanks to the partnership, we will be able to protect our customers even more comprehensively, and above all proactively, against current cyber threats in the future.”

For some time, the Cheops team had been looking for a unified security management solution that would fit the MSSP plans. “The software itself convinced us directly and the Enginsight team even more so,” says the founder of Cheops Informatik, Michel Savioz.
Proximity to its partners has always been very important to Enginsight. Alexander Villiger, Senior Sales Manager Security Solutions at ADN, calls it “unique” and so he did not miss the opportunity last week to accompany the Enginsight delegation – Michael Reiss, Lutz Wiechmann (Sales Expert) and Patricia Brumme (Head of Marketing & PR) – who had travelled from Germany to the signing of the partner contract.

When introducing Enginsight into the portfolio of Cheops Informatik AG, the Basel-based company was able to fully count on the support of ADN. “We have a long-standing partnership with ADN – formerly BCD – and have had consistently positive experiences with the team,” praises Luc Igert and adds: “We always try to keep our partner network as close as possible. ADN as a value-add distributor is indispensable and valuable for us when it comes to marketing extensive and complex IT solutions.”
Alexander Villiger, Senior Sales Manager Security Solutions at ADN, also emphasizes the excellent partnership between ADN and Cheops Informatik AG, which is characterized by the fact that they repeatedly occupy trend topics in the Swiss channel in close cooperation and together can grow disproportionately to the market. “Especially in the Swiss market with its service providers, which are very similar to Cheops Informatik AG, Enginsight in particular is ideally suited to continue this growth course. ADN shines here with its expertise and is very happy to support its partners on their way to business success,” Villiger continues.
Together at the SWISS IT FORUM in Geneva
Engin’s participation as a co-exhibitor at the ADN booth at the SWISS IT FORUM was already planned. The native French-speaking partner from Basel comes in handy. Luc Igert and Lutz Wiechmann will take to the stage to show how companies can proactively and sustainably protect themselves by using Enginsight. All interested parties are cordially invited to stop by and find out first-hand about the all-in-one security platform and managed security services from Cheops Informatik.
About Cheops Informatik AG
For more than 30 years, Cheops Informatik AG has been acting as a trusted partner in all matters relating to IT, ICT and information management.
The company’s motivation is also its outstanding strength: personal and competent round-the-clock advice and support.
Customers appreciate the efficient way of working and the fast response time, as well as the approach that IT must support the company by always focusing on individual needs and proven processes.
Cheops aims to implement and maintain practice-oriented solutions so that customers have their backs to concentrate fully on their business goals.
For its projects and mandates, the Basel-based company works with long-standing partners.
This opens up the possibility of implementing even the most demanding solutions at any time.
Über Enginsight
Enginsight bietet die perfekte Cybersecurity-Lösung für den Mittelstand. 2017 in Jena gegründet, ist die komplett inhouse entwickelte Software inzwischen bei zahlreichen KMU im Einsatz und erfreut sich insbesondere bei IT-Dienstleistern großer Beliebtheit. Diese nutzen Enginsight, um den Reifegrad der IT-Sicherheit ihrer Kunden zu ermitteln und proaktiv tätig zu werden sowie Angriffe zu detektieren und zu blocken. Nach dem Ansatz „Unsichtbares sichtbar“ und „Unsicheres sicher machen“ stehen für Enginsight hierbei Transparenz und Automatisierung in puncto IT-Security im Vordergrund. Der „Human Factor in IT-Security“, der bei vielen Cyberangriffen im Vordergrund steht, soll dabei eliminiert werden. Mit Security 100 % Made in Germany verfolgt Enginsight die Vision, mit seiner technologisch führenden Lösung den Mittelstand wirksam und nachhaltig sicher zu machen.
Serge Burdet
CEO, Sales & Marketing
Patricia Brumme
Head of Marketing & PR